
Showing posts from August, 2023

Improving Safety and Efficiency in Mining: The Impact of Telematics Software

Mining sites are located in largely remote areas, free from the hustle and bustle of the urban landscape. Due to this, working in this industry starts to feel a bit isolated. In such conditions, keeping track of employees and vehicles across numerous locations becomes challenging. This is where telematics can act as a saviour. In this article, we’ll emphasise some of the top challenges faced by the mining industry and how Telematics Solutions can help overcome them. So let’s get started! Why does the mining industry need telematics software?  Imagine having the responsibility to manage operations on a mining site where even the routes can not be physically defined. How will you keep tabs on your employees and know at which point your vehicles are? Seems confusing right? Here is exactly why, there’s a need for advanced telematics software that can help streamline the process for employees as well as managers.  To gain more clarity on this, let’s discuss some of the challenges ...